ROCC AGCS Examiner Services



Here at Easy PPL Ground School, we have in-house CAA authorised Radio Operator Certificate of Competence for Air Ground Communications Service Examiners who are able to carry out the written and practical exams required to gain a Ground Radio Licence (ROCC AGCS).
Where can I do the exams?
Generally, we can accomodate a suitable location in Essex or on the Essex/Suffolk border, or if you prefer the examiner can come to you!
Are there any pre-requisites?
You must have been suitably trained and reached an acceptabe standard in order to attempt the exam. The "goto" courses that sets you up for the exams we have right here on Easy PPL:
What does the exam comprise of?
The exam comprises of a written (long answer) question paper (25 questions to be answered in the time allowed of 60 minutes), followed by an oral (practical test). IF both parts of the exam are being undertaken at the saem time, the written part will be marked after the practical test has been completed. The written paper must be undertaken first. Once the examiner has decided on the outcome, the information then goes to the CAA for verification.
Can I do the exam remotely via Zoom?
Unfortunately, not! The UK CAA have decided that the practical exams MUST be done in person. Online and remote examinations are strictly not allowed.
When will I know if I've passed?
We will tell you straight away at the end of the exam if you have been successful. You will also be fully debriefed on the exam, including topics and areas that went well, and those that might need improvement.
How much do the exams cost?
Costs are as follows:
  • The written paper (and marking): £100.00
  • The practical exam: £250.00
If we have to come to you and travel more than 100 miles (round trip) we will also need to add mileage to those figures. More details are available on request.
How do I find out further information?
Contact us by clicking here.